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Last week we had elections here in Europe for the European parliament. The Netherlands voted first on thursday the 6th of June and the other countries followed the following days. Prior to the election we had to register to vote here in the Netherlands. We are german therefore european citizens, but immigrated from Germany to […]

In The Hague we have the kermis, a fun fair in april and beginning of may. It’s loud, it’s busy and it’s very colorful. I like going there just for the fun of it, looking at people, looking at weird prizes, looking at nice airbrushed art and lots of signage and letters. And I love […]

december hustle longing for the quiet December is usually a really busy month. Lots of social events and christmas festivities. And especially as a creative entrepreneur this is a busy and important time for me. And it was busy and that’s okay. Because I knew we had some quiet days ahead in Germany. I was […]

Last weekend my friend and photographer Andrea Kiesendahl came to see me in the Hague. On sunday morning she first took the nicest pictures of me and my little family ( I am not showing them here, because you know, privacy ). But I love every single picture, you just gotta believe me. And she […]

For New Years we went to northern France to spend some days in the very quiet countryside. And indeed, it was very quiet and calming. We rented an old station hotel with french charm. At the end of the very long street, not very far from our place, was the old closed down train station. […]

Autumn is by far my favorite time of the year. I like watching the colors change, the trees turn red and yellow. The sound of the leaves on the ground. Finally fresh and brisk air, and sometimes mysterious morning fog. I like this quietness and coziness of this season. But no real autumn without any […]

I made this Gouache Lettering after the Bundestag elections. I was hoping for a bigger change, but I guess that didn’t happen. To my surprise, I wasn’t paralyzed. Bad (global) news can really get me off track sometimes, so I was actually kind of prepared. But seeing how the different parties came together and openly […]

I stumbled upon these photos from a trip to Wremen on my phone and thought of sharing them with you. It’s been a while since we went there, but I have stopped posting here before a little virus came along. The plan was to make a make over of this website and then, well, start […]

This morning I sketched some bathroom alternatives for less waste. Actually I was thinking about making this a big project and doing a lot of drawings, buuuut since I have been thinking about it too long now, I have come to realize, there isn’t enough time for such a nice project. At least I made […]

Ok, it’s about time to give you another update on our minimal waste journey. Since I started, it has been over 1,5 years. So all the cosmetics in the bathroom are pretty much used up. I started replacing them one by one with zero waste products or selfmade alternatives. Some worked well, some didn’t work […]

When you want to aquire a new lettering technique, you don’t pay attention to what you letter. It’s somehow peculiar, that I come up with the word “Karate” a lot. It’s because I like K’s and A’s I guess. I’ve never done any karate or actually never seen anyone doing it, but to me it […]

nostalgic ferry rides Living in Bremen means we get to enjoy ferry rides quite often. Sometimes it’s just a two minute ride, sometimes longer. But I am always as exited as my two year old. Not too long ago we visited the manmade beach in Bremen Walle called Waller Sand. We came by ferry, which […]

This year I grew my own tomato plants from seeds. One thing I wanted to do since a long time. And this year I’ll only have tomatoes on the balconys. All other vegetables will be planted in the garden. We have two balconys and one of them is huge with a lot of sun all […]

36 days of type This year I decided to take part in the 36 days of type project. Starting at the beginning of april, designers and illustrators and all other creative people were challenged to design a letter every day, of course starting with an A. There are so many beautiful and inspiring contributions on […]

discount family About yesterday. We spent the day in the garden with loads of sunshine and are waiting for the baby to check out this beautiful world. I don’t like this nearby discounter, but I do like the bold colors and signage of discounters in general. And of course the stripey shadows.

moody fall / fall mood It’s fall! This year’s summer was endless. So we went from bikini weather to sweater weather in like two days. I do need more time to adjust usually. To make this process go faster, I went to the supermarket and bought a lot of tea. Got my winter shoes and […]

minimal waste journey I thought it’s about time to give you an update on our minimal waste journey / plastic free life.  After three books ( this, this and this, all german ) and lots of internet research, I started making stuff myself. Yesterday I succeeded in mixing up my own dishwashing detergent and it […]

Beach Handlettering Holiday means lots of time for messing up my sketchbook, like beach handlettering. I like the beach ( who doesn’t? ), I like handlettering and I love the french language. Can you tell? You might know my love for the french language from my project “Dis-moi”. This page is inspired by Lauren Hom’s […]

Savoir vivre à Lacanau-Océan We’re back and we had a fabulous time in the wonderful south of France at Lacanau-Océan, near Bordeaux at the Atlantic Sea. Sipping chilled wine, devouring fresh oysters, listening to the ocean, moving gently with the waves, hiding toes in the sand, feeling the sun and the salt on your skin, […]

lost in universe Busy as a bee, mostly enjoying the weather. Because everyday I am afraid that summer will be over tomorrow. So I am making sure, that I don’t miss out on any summer days. Yes, and actually working a lot, too. My head is full of ideas and time is rare. Also, we […]

ticket love Because I came across them the other day and I think they are super pretty. These are mostly tickets from our Balkan honeymoon trip back in 2015, when my husband was still using his old name, haha. Oh look at those tables, let alone the colors! As much as I love having tickets […]

old photographs I’ve always loved taking photos and still do, but I actually like to look at them even more. Old photographs have always fascinated me, because of the grainy black and white look and those fringy borders. You literally feel the paper. And I also know how hard it can be to get a […]

wait for summer People wait for summer all winter long. But every year I am amazed how quickly spring finally arrives. It only takes a couple of warmer days and all of the sudden everything is in full bloom. It just hits me. Every year. Surprisingly, I exchanged my boots for my sandals already ( […]

Überseestadt Last weekend we did a little trip to Bremens new city quartier called Überseestadt. That’s basically the place where old left over harbour buildings meet the future. The area is one giant construction place. I love walking around in urban, unfinished, but also abandoned places. Also, I love the term Überseestadt. It’s real german, […]

Living in Bremen By now, we had some time to roam the city of Bremen and especially our neighborhood here. I just love walking around for no specific reason except getting some inspiration and fresh air. You might have realized by now, I have a weakness for rather moody pictures ( or let’s say motifs […]

solid shampoo Doing my first baby steps while going minimal waste. First things replaced were shampoo, conditioner, shower gel and deodorant. Besides the fact, that I am very surprised by the awesome results I love that the bathroom smells wonderfully and also look at how pretty these bars are! I mean, really. Couldn’t stop taking […]

minimal waste As some people might know, we’ve been moving around the country a lot the last couple of years. And everytime we start packing boxes, we realize how much stuff we have accumulated. Moving is a great way to get rid a lot of stuff, because you have to grab every single piece anyways […]

  three months Guess what? I found the time to make some collages. There is still a lot of other stuff waiting on my to-do lists from last year to be crossed and forgotten, but if I don’t make room for scraps and scissors it will probably never happen. Sometimes it takes forever to make […]

  missing berlin So I was trying to organize my picture mess on my phone, instead I was browsing all of my images. It’s okay to do that, because that’s why I took them, even though I had a different intention. Oh well. Anyways, the point is, it made me realize that I do miss […]

Yep, here it is, the first entry of my new blog. new beginnings. I was with tumblr all those years before, but it was time to move on. I was always okay with my blog being on a different platform, but I have come to realize, that it doesn’t make much sense anymore. Instead I […]

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