Bruges for New Years
a few days in Bruges
a change of scenery
2022 was a great year for me and my businesses. I am not going to look back ( no, not another review ) at the year in this blogpost, but I wanted to give you an impression of the lovely places we went to: Bruges for New Years.
Christmas came fast last year and december was shorter than ever, but I really enjoyed making all this christmas stuff this year. Stuff means making tree ornaments myself and carving stamps for christmas cards and then later writing them and even sending them out before christmas. I also dried oranges for garlands and christmas presents ( this has been in my mind for at least 5 years ) and we decorated a gingerbread house, went to the christmas market here in the Hague ( and as a german I can say, it really is a nice market ), had fun seeing my kids enjoy their christmas calender and I even folded more stars than last year. It truly was a crafty season.

I had so much fun, I didn’t realize it was time for a break. Over new year’s we went to Belgium for a change of scenery. Of course I packed my art supplies, but I didn’t use them much. The weather was grey and moody, but it was all good.
The pictures you see here are mostly from Bruges, Belgium. What a lovely place! I have been here almost 20 years ago in summertime. I remembered the touristy spots well, but nothing else really.I guess I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the houses and the city itself.
But now, living in the Netherlands, I can spot differences between the dutch and the belgian lifestyle, architecture and also the language: It sounded different. Also loved speaking french again. I miss living close to the border very much.
That reminds me of last years trip also over new years to France. I even made a blogpost about it.
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