Let's See GouacheLettering

Gouache Lettering

I made this Gouache Lettering after the Bundestag elections. I was hoping for a bigger change, but I guess that didn’t happen. To my surprise, I wasn’t paralyzed. Bad (global) news can really get me off track sometimes, so I was actually kind of prepared. But seeing how the different parties came together and openly approached and even embraced their poles, gave me lots of motivation somehow. Maybe it’s the exciting and thrilling feeling of new beginnings, which reached me even here in the Netherlands. So, well, yes: Let’s see! I am crazy curious where we are at the end of the year. Hopefully the uplifting vibes have not vanished by then.

I made this Gouache Lettering on Toned Paper. Totally head over heels for this combination, because vibrant colors, matte texture, high contrast, ahhh…everything. I made a ( whole lot of a ) bunch of letterings with gouache on toned paper and I am also very curious where this journey is leading. Let’s see, I guess.

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