36 days of type Letter A collage art

36 days of type

36 days of type

This year I decided to take part in the 36 days of type project. Starting at the beginning of april, designers and illustrators and all other creative people were challenged to design a letter every day, of course starting with an A. There are so many beautiful and inspiring contributions on instagram, you need to see them.

Since I have a newborn here, I take it slow and just challenge myself without uploading the pictures to instagram. I haven’t done a collage in ages, so it was about time. For the project I used an empty sketchbook, so I’ll have them all in one place. First collage sketchbook for me. Above you see some of the letters. When I am done with the entire alphabet ( and the numbers ) you’ll get to see them on my collage website. Yes, an entire website with my collageart.

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