Bye Bremen, Hoi Den Haag

Well, yes. We left the country to chase some adventures in The Hague as expats. The big move happened in may and a lot of things have happened in the meantime. First of all, the kids started school ( yes , my daughter is going to school here with her 4 years ) and daycare. Corona didn’t smooth our transition, but made it worse. But hey, now I am so proud they managed so well. As parents you worry a lot, especially about the language. But looking back now, I can say, that the language is not a problem at all.

Besides the social aspects, we had to do A LOT of paperwork. And again, Corona made sure, we had to wait for a lot of appointments a lot of days. Once registered here in the Netherlands, one can do most of the bureaucratic things online, which is just awesome. But the german bureaucratic offices keep sending us analog mail. Which is very funny. We had to make an appointment at the german consulate in Amsterdam, and in the confirmation email it was written in big letters: Only cash accepted. Which, again, is so funny, because you’re not using anything else than your card or phone to pay here. Where is the next Atm? I don’t even know.

Maybe you have also realized that I gave the website a new look. Stilll a work in progess, but I hit publish after all. That’s what counts. Mostly to share some beach pictures with you in the near future. Because it’s onlye 5 minutes by bike. AWESOME.

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