For New Years we went to northern France to spend some days in the very quiet countryside. And indeed, it was very quiet and calming. We rented an old station hotel with french charm. At the end of the very long street, not very far from our place, was the old closed down train station. […]

Autumn is by far my favorite time of the year. I like watching the colors change, the trees turn red and yellow. The sound of the leaves on the ground. Finally fresh and brisk air, and sometimes mysterious morning fog. I like this quietness and coziness of this season. But no real autumn without any […]

I made this Gouache Lettering after the Bundestag elections. I was hoping for a bigger change, but I guess that didn’t happen. To my surprise, I wasn’t paralyzed. Bad (global) news can really get me off track sometimes, so I was actually kind of prepared. But seeing how the different parties came together and openly […]

I stumbled upon these photos from a trip to Wremen on my phone and thought of sharing them with you. It’s been a while since we went there, but I have stopped posting here before a little virus came along. The plan was to make a make over of this website and then, well, start […]

This morning I sketched some bathroom alternatives for less waste. Actually I was thinking about making this a big project and doing a lot of drawings, buuuut since I have been thinking about it too long now, I have come to realize, there isn’t enough time for such a nice project. At least I made […]

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