Last week we had elections here in Europe for the European parliament. The Netherlands voted first on thursday the 6th of June and the other countries followed the following days. Prior to the election we had to register to vote here in the Netherlands. We are german therefore european citizens, but immigrated from Germany to […]

When you want to aquire a new lettering technique, you don’t pay attention to what you letter. It’s somehow peculiar, that I come up with the word “Karate” a lot. It’s because I like K’s and A’s I guess. I’ve never done any karate or actually never seen anyone doing it, but to me it […]

This year I grew my own tomato plants from seeds. One thing I wanted to do since a long time. And this year I’ll only have tomatoes on the balconys. All other vegetables will be planted in the garden. We have two balconys and one of them is huge with a lot of sun all […]

Beach Handlettering Holiday means lots of time for messing up my sketchbook, like beach handlettering. I like the beach ( who doesn’t? ), I like handlettering and I love the french language. Can you tell? You might know my love for the french language from my project “Dis-moi”. This page is inspired by Lauren Hom’s […]

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