Use your voice

Last week we had elections here in Europe for the European parliament. The Netherlands voted first on thursday the 6th of June and the other countries followed the following days.

Prior to the election we had to register to vote here in the Netherlands. We are german therefore european citizens, but immigrated from Germany to the Netherlands only three years ago. So these were our first European parliament elections since moving from Germany. And a lot has changed since then in this world, europe and for us.

The general challenges europe faces in recent times are obvious ones, like the russian war in Ukraine, but also having to deal with more and more Europeans that are Anti-Europe and voting for extreme right and facists parties. The world seems to be more complex each and every day and people are on the lookout for easy and clear solutions. Hello right winged populism!

For me, these elections felt different, because living in The Hague, I really feel so blessed to be an european citizen. Our bubble here is so international and I do know this is not reality to most dutch or german people of course.

Still, the european elections have impact on all our lives. I was hoping with my letterings and videos I was motivating and raising awareness to this important election.

Unfortunately the results did not only meet my expectations ( although expected, but wtf ) and I know there is a whole lot to do to save our democracy, to speak up against facists, discriminations and injustices.

So this is still valid: Use your voice, speak up, vote ( next time )

Today we mourn, tomorrow we fight.

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